Third Nature is generously represented at large water exhibition at the Danish Architecture Center.
We are honored to have four of our resiliency projects presented at DAC. Spanning from the first of its kind, the climate district ‘Skt. Kjelds’ from 2011 that pioneered the resiliency strategy of Copenhagen, to one of the World’s biggest rainwater capacity projects, the climate park ‘Enghaveparken’, to our scalable street solution The Climate Tile and lastly, to Denmark’s largest flooding mitigation project ‘Lynetteholm’.
The projects demonstrate our studios novel approach to the multitude of complex climate change issues that cities face today, and we are happy to see them featured amongst the strongest voices within the industry.
From the Danish Architecture Center:
Poles are melting, groundwater is rising, and torrential rain is flooding roads and houses. It’s no longer a question of if, but when the water is coming – and how we adapt.
In a sensuous and poetic exhibition universe, the exhibition Water is Coming explore sthe relationship between water, people and nature in a rapidly changing world where, despite the seemingly bleak outlook, there is also hope and opportunity.
Water is one of the greatest challenges of our time. Rising sea levels and more frequent cloudbursts demand radical change in urban design and organization. Cities like Copenhagen, Venice and Jakarta are already dealing with the inevitable question: How can we adapt to the water instead of fighting it?
October 7, 2024 – March 21, 2025
Bryghuspladsen 10, 1473 København K, Denmark