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25 km towards 2050

January 31, 2025
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Third Nature to develop strategy for 25 km nature corridor driving Copenhagen’s green transition. How will Danish landscapes look in the future if water is allowed to flow freely? What will it mean for our food production, settlement patterns, biodiversity, and our narrative of the Danish cultural landscape?

We are delighted to be selected among 22 applicants for ‘Water’s Ways’ (Vandets Veje) and to have the opportunity to explore a holistic transition in Danish land use with our team TREDJE NATUR, Sophie Sahlqvist Landscape, ARKAIA, ILC and Artelia Denmark.

The Ramsø Dale in its decimated current state.
To drive a true green transition, we must design our cities, landscapes and systems, not as opposites, but as interconnected prerequisites for a sustainable future.
Flemming Rafn, Co-Founder Third Nature.

A Greater Copenhagen vision

Our Teams vision will highlight the Ramsø Dale's (Ramsødalen) strategic role in the green transition of the Greater Copenhagen region. As a 25 km long river dale, it forms a crucial ecological and hydrological corridor between the Roskilde and Køge ‘fingers’ of the Copenhagen Finger Plan. By restoring natural water flows, rewetting lowlands, integrating regenerative land use and implementing new technological food production, the Ramsø Dale can become a key driver for climate adaptation, biodiversity restoration, and resilient urban-rural recreation, ensuring a more sustainable future for the capital’s expanding metropolitan area towards 2050.

Photo by Klaus Bodholt Andreasen.

Launch event

The project will be presented by team lead and Co-Founder Flemming Rafn on March 4 at Valencia, Vesterbrogade 32, 1620 København V.

Read about the launch event here.

We extend our appreciation to Dreyers Fond and Arkitektforeningen.

Learn more about the initiative here.

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