'ØHjem' re-envisions the Ramsø Dale (Ramsødalen) as a key component in shaping the way to a greener and bluer Capital Region. The 25 km long regenerative river dale forms a crucial ecological and hydrological corridor between the Roskilde and Køge ‘fingers’ of the Copenhagen Finger Plan. By 2045, the greater region of Copenhagen is expecting a population increase of 200.000 residents. This project is a direct response to the capital's expanding metropolitan area, and proposes a new narrative, where the Ramsø Dale becomes the key driver for climate adapation, biodiversity restoration, and resilient urban-rural densification.
Lowlying soil define an important feature in our changing landscape. A 150m protective buffer ensures that the minimal existing nature types that inhabit the lowlying soil will not only be perserved, but expand into thriving bog meadows across the wetlands. A re-meandering of the streams, Kornerup Å and Langvad Å, restores the natural water flow, fostering diverse microhabitats that coexist within a self-sustaining ecological system. From small-scale insects hovering the meadow to large wild grazing animals aerating and enriching the soil on the sloped landscapes. These natural processes help restore the land as a water-absorbing sponge while enhancing its potential as a sustainable carbon storage system. To further support this transformation, the agricultural draining will be ended, pumps deactivated, and agroforestry and regenerative farming introduced, creating a dynamic mosaic landscape that boosts biodiversity, mitigates floods, and strengthens ecosystem resilience.