How can we address the immanent threats of rising sea levels derived from climate changes, the urgent need to repurpose surplus materials from the building industry, while envisioning the creation of new development areas with recreational spaces?
The answer unfolds in the form of Lynetteholmen: A future-forward neighborhood emerging as a key factor in Copenhagen's climate and flood protection strategy. Situated as an island in the Copenhagen area, Lynetteholm signifies a bold commitment to proactive climate resilience, transcending the conventional notions of urban planning.
Lynetteholmen is filled with surplus soil from construction sites in Copenhagen and the surrounding areas. This ensures that Lynetteholmen becomes a guarantee for Copenhagen Municipality to make beneficial use of the surplus soil for decades to come. Soil filling directly in Copenhagen gives the advantage of reusing the soil close to where it is excavated, minimizing transportation, and consequently lowering CO2 emissions, while creating a whole new development area in the Capital region of Denmark.