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Creating resilient, cohesive spaces for sustainable transport and generous living, whilst integrating climate adaption.
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A sustainable and vibrant neighborhood

How can we use the edge zone as an advantage and create a hybrid area for both sustainable mobility, leisure and atmosphere while functioning as climate adaptation that can promote urban biodiversity?

The master plan for Bryggens Bastion, with its strategic location in Copenhagen, transcends traditional urban development, focusing on connecting spaces, fostering cohesion, regenerative living, and enhancing the microclimate for a sustainable and vibrant neighborhood. The overarching goal is to create a dense, green, and well-structured neighborhood, emphasizing a building typology that reinterprets classic Copenhagen block houses alongside landmark high-rises.

125.000 m2
Mixed urban city
The district provide a diverse mix of residiential typologies, institutions, retail and hospitality as well as hotel.
Key numbers
550 m
Green mobility corridor
The central corridor provide soft mobility and super public active urban spaces, balanced by private edge zones as a buffer to residential spaces.
50.000 m2
Public space
5 public spaces is a gesture towards residents and visitors providing sport activity, play and urban nature.
50.000 m2
Car free district
By providing under parking we enable no crossing cartraffic in the entire district.
Creating a green corridor

The master plan revolves around the concept of a green corridor—a connecting element that bridges the East and West. The corridor integrates public green spaces, accessible to residents and users alike, establishing a central, green public park. A central bicycle connections contribute to the plan's emphasis on livable city life, connectivity, and green urban spaces, effectively delivering a car-free district. The master plan also incorporates rainwater management elements, enhancing the area's resilience.

The core of the plan is the central green linear park, enhancing the area's micro climate and fostering biodiversity. Divided into eight blocks, each featuring a mix of residential typologies, Bryggens Bastion encourages to diverse community spaces.

The zoning plan ensures a clear focus on regenerative living, with requirements for green facades, stormwater management, and public spaces. The plan establishes four urban spaces enhancing the area's vibrancy. These spaces allow for various experiences, from quiet relaxation to actively programmed urban activities, contributing to the well-structured and diverse character of Bryggens Bastion.

"These spaces allow for various experiences, from quiet relaxation to actively programmed urban activities, contributing to the well-structured and diverse character of Bryggens Bastion."
Ole Schrøder
Co-Founding Partner
A green frontrunner

The overall concept aligns with Copenhagen's 'Green Strategy' goals, working with circular economy as a business model, emphasizing biodiversity and nature qualities within the green linear park. Stormwater management is integrated into the design, with public stairways and roof terraces contributing to the park's multi-functional use. The high-rises are strategically placed, meeting competition requirements and further enhancing the neighborhood's unique character.

To validate its sustainability, the master plan has obtained a precertification for DGNB Gold.  This certification strengthens the holistic and flexible evaluation of the neighborhood's overall sustainability, ensuring its adherence to regenerative principles and contributing to the vision of a connected and forging the aim for a sustainable community in Copenhagen.

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Project information

Project Name
Bryggens Bastion

The Bach Group, Domis and Copenhagen Municipality

Faste Batteri, Copenhagen, Denmark

Third Nature, Arkitema

Masterplan, Urban space design




Plot: 71.620 m2
Building: 125.000 m2
Density: 175 %
Public space: 47.000 m2