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Paving the way towards recirculation - Intelligent plug and play design solving the problem of climate adaption in the dense city.
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Introducing a resilient way of paving

How can we envision a standardized, adaptable tile that not only addresses extreme weather and excessive surface overheating but also paves the way for better urban life?Can the Climate Tile be the product that provides a systemic solution to the growing challenges facing our cities?

The driving force behind this initiative lies in leveraging climate challenges as catalysts for developing more resilient, engaging, and resource aware cities. Positioned at the forefront of innovative climate solutions tailored for dense urban settings, this systemic and scalable solution transforms adversity into opportunities, contributing positively to exisitng or new urban areas.

The Climate Tile aligns with the need for more efficient and flexible urban spaces, especially given the extensive disruptions caused by recent changes in district heating infrastructure. The tile can be seamlessly integrated into routine activities like pipe replacements or repairs, minimizing inconvenience for residents while enhancing functionality. This innovative approach also allows for the expansion of urban sidewalks in dense neighborhoods, accommodating both climate adaptation and vibrant city life.

Area gain by optimization
By optimizing street areas, we can maintain all functional requirements while creating space for climate-adapted urban environments with increased bio
Key numbers
90 %
Cost reduction
The integrated basin solution is only 1/10 of comparable expenses, if installed when refurbishing sidewalks.
30 %
Turnover increase
The café next to the Climate Tile pilot area saw a revenue boost in the first year due to the attractive urban space.
10-year rain event capacity
The Climate Tile system can absorb a 10-year extreme rain event in the year 2100, or more if needed.
Reintroducing the natural water cycle

The Climate Tile pioneers the reintroduction of the natural water cycle within existing urban environments. By harvesting rainwater from rooftops and sidewalks, this solution turns water challenges into an asset, promoting the development of more robust, experiential, and sustainable cities.

The retained rainwater serves as a resource within urban spaces while simultaneously reducing the risk of water damage. By optimizing water usage, the Climate Tile significantly decreases the influx of water into existing sewer systems, offering savings compared to the construction of new water management infrastructure. The water is primarily directed to nearby plant beds, nourishing the vegetation during growth periods and facilitating water evaporation through the foliage. This process not only ensures a substantial portion of water consumption but also enables the remaining water to seep directly below the plant beds, reinstating the natural water cycle in the urban environment.

The Climate Tile efficiently manages rainwater from rooftops and sidewalks. Through holes in the tile, water from the sidewalk is directed to an integrated pipe system, transporting it to an underground storage unit capable of managing water concerning storage, delay, diversion, and seepage. Thus it marks a reuse of resources by harvesting and storing rainwater, making use of surplus water in times, where natural water is scarce.

"By optimizing the streets functions we can gain almost 20% of surface area. This gives space for systemic resilience and urban nature."
Flemming Rafn
Co-Founding Partner
An intelligent plug & play solution

The Climate Tile's structure, enables the attachment and connection of various functional elements to cater to specific situations on the sidewalk's stretch. These functions are designed as 'Plugs' that can be inserted vertically into the tile. The vertical accessibility of the Plug component allows for easy maintenance, updates, and replacements throughout the tile's lifespan, making it fully adaptable and future-proof.

The ambition has been to make the Climate Tile simple but smart by allowing the incorporation of both low-tech and high-tech Plugs. Plug sensors can read and transmit information about the current water levels in the system to the water supply and citizens. This dual functionality can also be utilized for the installation of urban equipment such as furniture, signage, lighting, and the coupling of plant boxes.

The Climate Tile is designed to usher in a recirculation revolution, transforming urban spaces into resilient, experiential, and sustainable environments. By creatively addressing climate challenges and seamlessly integrating into existing urban infrastructure, this innovation paves the way for a future where cities not only adapt to change but thrive in harmony with urban ecology.

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Project information

Project Name
Klimaflisen, Climate Tile

Teknologisk Institut, Kollision, Orbicon, ACO, IBF and The City of Copenhagen

Soft funding
Realdania and The Market Innovation Fund


Pilot September 2018

Pilot Location
Heimdalsgade 22, Copenhagen




2014 – ongoing

2019 Danish Design Award, Finalist
2019 Index Award, Nominee
2018 Popular Science’s ‘Best of what’s new’, Grand Award Winner