The first building on Lynetteholm, housing administrative functions, serves as a key structure in the creation of the large climate adaptation island. Strategically located at the northeastern entry point on the edge of Refshale Island, this architectural landmark will act as the gateway to the extensive urban development and coastal area, functioning as the administrative hub for Lynetteholm's weigh station during the transportation of surplus soil to the landfill.
Based on the principles of design for disassembly, this single-story, sawtooth-shaped structure is composed of 17 identical angled modules covering an area of approximately 1,000 m². Amidst a raw, industrial setting, it stands out as a distinctive and inviting workspace, maintaining a healthy environment during the ongoing soil deposition. The building is perched on a raised 100-meter-long soil plinth, serving as a testbed for pioneering biological acceleration strategies intended for the future 60-hectare nature-based storm surge landscape at Lynetteholm.
During the establishment of Lynetteholm, parts of the gatebuilding can be dismantled and relocated in line with the construction of the perimeter and soil depot. The gatebuilding will continuously mark the physical connection between the existing Copenhagen and the new urban area of Lynetteholm in Copenhagen’s Eastern Harbor.